Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Sage Pt. 2

After working on Project Hangout for about a year and a half I have discovered a number of ministry principles that are true to everyone’s spiritual life. One principle I’ve found is that longevity is spurred on by experience. Seems easy enough and yet in the real world how do we expect twenty somethings to continue in ministry if they are inexperienced in ministry. They are full of energy and have the time, but we all know that can fade quickly when things get tough...

That is where the Sage comes in.

The key to a healthy spiritual life is being connected with your vertical relationships. Those older than you and those younger than you (and of course God). Those older hold wisdom and experience - enough for someone younger to draw strength from in order to carry on. This kind of relationship is beneficial for both involved as we all need to give in order to receive. Wisdom is passed down ensuring successful development of those new to ministry to help them form those in their teenage years. Its a trickledown system that cannot be cut off if we expect positive results.

I’ve found that teenagers that have: (1) mentors and (2) pour into those younger than themselves, have a greater chance of making it through college. This is a natural conclusion as those that live and breathe their faith by walking with others older than them can glean the necessary tools to forge through life’s constant rough terrain.

My conclusion is that if we want young adults and college age students to live missional lives with high school students and junior high students we must first find those that can be their backbone of support. We need wisdom first and that can only be found through the tested, not the untested.

More to insights to come...

-- Let's build up the Church to be mobilize everyone within it to reach everyone not yet apart of it!

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